UPM Library Provenance--Did it ever own a Pietro Bertelli Diversarum Nationum (1592-1596)?

Text dotazu

Dear all,
   I am the Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at the Newberry Library (Chicago), and I am considering the purchase of a copy of Pietro Bertelli's 1592 Diversarum Nationum Habitus costume book with the book plate of the Waldesovo (or Waldes) Museum in Prague. I had read that the library from that museum was transferred to the Museum of Applied Arts, but I have not been able to search the online catalog to check whether this copy of the book is (or was) considered part of that collection.
   Ideally, I would like to know if the book has been deaccessioned properly from either the Waldesovo or the Museum of Applied Arts, and when. If this is not possible, I would very much appreciate any other suggestions of ways to search for the history of the Waldesovo.
        Dr. Suzanne Karr Schmidt


Dear Dr. Suzanne Karr Schmidt,

the answer will be send personally to your email from our colleague Dr. Radim Vondráček.
Thank You.

Best Regards

Library of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague


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Knihovna Uměleckoprůmyslového musea v Praze

Datum zadání dotazu

17.08.2020 05:47

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