question about Franz Bardon 's biography

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i should like to know the authentic life of Franz Bardon (1909/1958, Opava) during the years 1935/1939...
thanks in advance
friendly yours


Dear Sir od Madam,


we searched for the books of/about František Bardon and we found out both some books about magic and autobiographical books. František Bardon was very famous magician and a healer. He wrote some books about magical practice  and textbooks. There are also available Bardon´s autobiographical novel called Frabato and the book of Lumír Bardon called Vzpomínky  na Františka Bardona (The memories of František Bardon) in the National Library of the Czech Republic:


BARDON, František. Frabato: autobiografický román. Překlad Otilie Votavová. 2., dopl. vyd. Praha: Chvojkovo nakladatelství, 1998. 141 s. ISBN 80-86183-07-6. - original written in German BARDON, Lumír a M. K.. Vzpomínky na Františka Bardona. Praha: Chvojkovo nakladatelství, 2009. 121 s. ISBN 978-80-86183-58-9.


Unfortunately the books don´t mention explicitly the period between 1935-1939.


Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Datum zadání dotazu

04.09.2017 08:00

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