Persian books

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hello, do you have your library persian books?


Dear Sir/Madam, The National Library has a collection of Persian manuscripts, this collection is located in the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books ( You can find the Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts on following page - This catalogue also offers samples of digitized pages (link Gallery in heading of each page with detailed manuscript description).

Descriptions of above mentioned Persian manuscripts are also included in Manuscriptorium database ( The easiest way to find them is enter search term XVIII B in the search box and choose searching in "shelf-mark".

This catalogue was also published on CD-ROM and was completed with a book "Perske rukopisy v Narodni knihovne Ceske republiky":

* FAREK, Michal. Perske rukopisy v Narodni knihovne Ceske republiky = Persian manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha : Narodni knihovna Ceske republiky : Albertina icome : Dar Ibn Rushd, 2000. 44 p. ; 27 cm + 1 CD-ROM. (Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica). ISBN 80-7050-359-9 (Narodni knihovna CR) ; ISBN 80-901505-4-3 (Albertina icome Praha) ; ISBN 80-86149-21-8.

The National Library has in its collections not only Persian manuscripts but also "modern" books in Persian language and books translated from Persian into Czech language.  Electronic catalogue of the National Library ( includes records of Czech books published since 1901 and foreign books published since 1995. Records of both Czech books published before 1901 and foreign books published before 1995 are added to our Electronic catalogue continuously.  We can recomend you following methods to search our Electronic catalogue (

1) books published in Persian language  - in Basic Search select from pull down menu "Document language code" field to search and enter codes for Persian languages in search box. You can search all codes (per or pal or peo) at once. You should receive 137 records.
per for documents in Modern Persian, pal for documents in Middle Persian (Pahlavi), peo for documents in Old Persian (600 B.C. - 400 B.C.)

2) books translated from Persian language into Czech - in Advanced Search choose in first pull down menu "Document language code" field to search and enter code for Czech language (cze) in search box. In the second pull down menu you should choose field "Original language code" and enter code for Persian language (per). You should receive 62 records.

Please remember the Electronic Catalogue includes  only records of Czech books published since 1900 and foreign books published since 1995 for certain. Books either in Czech or Persian published before mentioned date are mostly searchable only in subject card catalogues or scanned author General catalogues I and II (, in this scanned catalogs is necessary to know author´s name.  

Our department also stores older searches, mostly made from printed bibliographies or card catalogues. We found among them two researches on Persian books in the National Library holding. We could make for you copies of that searches, one page A4 format per 2,- CZK.
* Literature in Persian language located in the National Library, books published in years 1880-1986 (call number RC 26/1987)
* Arabian, Persian and Turkish literature (edition in an original language) located in the National Library, books published in years 1971-1988 (call number RC 182/1991).


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Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

15.10.2008 16:33

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