Padesát plus

Text dotazu

Dobrý den, prosím mohli byste mi zjistit něco o hnutí či organizaci Padesát plus. Její činnost by měla být zaměřena na podporu lidí nad padesát let a působí ve
Spojených státech. Děkuji mnohokrát.


Informace o organizaci Fifty-Plus Lifelong Fitness naleznete na jejich strankach:
Zde se v sekci O nas (About Us) nachazi nasledujici popis:

Fifty-Plus Lifelong Fitness (formerly Fifty-Plus Fitness Association) is a twenty-six year old nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote an active lifestyle for older people. The organization started at Stanford University as an outgrowth of medical research on the value of exercise for older persons. It currently has approximately 2,000 members across the United States. Fifty-Plus publishes a newsletter, distributes books and videos, and sponsors physical activity events for mid-life and older adults. Our Purpose - To encourage fitness and a more active lifestyle for those who are fifty years or older. To show that misuse and disuse of the body and mind are more the cause of disability than chronological age alone. Our Mission is to provide a longer and more independent lifestyle for adults by expanding awareness and involvement in health and fitness activities.


Politické vědy. Vojenství




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

28.02.2008 13:32

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