Music (classical)

Text dotazu

During visits to the Czech Republic and also in musical literature I have noticed that the key given during the 18th Century for some pieces (often for wind instruments) is "Dis" (D#). Is this the same as Es (Eb)? If so why is this unusual naming used. It seems to be restricted to the Czech-speaking area. This service was recommended to me by an Australian friend who was very pleased with the help you gave him. It seems to me a wonderful service typical of the respect for knowledge characteristic of Czech culture.


I'm responding to your enquiry concerning keys in music of the 18th century.

The key signature "Dis" (D#) is really the same as "Es" (Eb). I don't think this is unique usage in Czech-speaking areas. These keys were used in 18th century music (not only by composers and copyists from Czech lands) without any special meaning.






Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

25.06.2009 11:04

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