Křestní jméno Rheya

Text dotazu

Dobry den,chtela bych se zeptat jaky vyznam ma jmeno Rheya? Z jakeho jazyka pochazi?


Jméno pravděpodobně pochází z řečtiny. Známá je jednak bohyně Rheia, dcera Urana a Země, sestra a žena Krona a matka Dia. Jednak Rhea Silvia, matka zakladatelů Říma, Romula a Rema.
Jméno zřejmě souvisí s řeckým slovesem rheo - plynoput, proudit.

Podrobnější výklad najdete v angličtině na této stránce (v dolní části):
'Rea' is a Greek word meaning "river, flow". In Greek mythology, Rhea was the daughter of two Titans, Uranos (the Sky) and Gaia (the Earth) and sister to Cronos (Time). She gave birth to the supreme god Zeus, as well as to Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. This sealed her status as a prominent figure in innumerable Greek myths and folktales. Greek mythology has also lent the name Rhea to the second biggest satellite of the planet Saturn. Centuries later, in classical mythology, Livy tells the story of Rea Silvia in Ab Urbe Condita. The Vestal Virgin Rea Silvia, a daughter of Numitor and descendant of Aeneas, was raped by Mars and gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. A she-wolf found the twins in the River Tiber and milked and raised them to become the legendary founders of the city of Rome.
Silvia means "woods", and Rea may in this context be related to the Latin words 'res' and 'regnum'. The Greek word 'rheô', "flow," may relate to her association with the spirit of the river Tiber. [Strangely enough, the Latin word 'rea' also means "poppy".] I obviously prefer the Greek meaning "river" and the panta rhei symbolism: I have a special bond with water, and the river in my life will always be the scenic River Kokemäenjoki of my childhood. Variant spellings of Rea include Réa, Reea, Rhea, Rhaya and Rheya (the latter is made popular by the movie Solaris). The name is pronounced roughly as RAY-uh. In Finnish, Rea does not thus rhyme with Maria.


Jazyk, lingvistika a literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

28.02.2008 13:07

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