Jenský kodex, Codex of Jena

Text dotazu

Hello, I want to know where Jensky Kodex is, because I had read two possible places: 1-Jena University library, or 2-Knihovna Národního muzea v Praze. And also, I want to know something about the "Jistebnickém kancionálu" I am doing an universitarian work about Jan Zizka and I need information about documents, thanks.


Hello, the Jena Codex is now deposed in the Library of the National Museum in Prague. You will find the record in the database Manuscriptorium: (You can search by shelf-mark: IV B 24).

Country Ceska republika
Settlement Praha
Repository Knihovna Narodniho muzea v Praze
Shelf-mark IV.B.24
Title Jensky kodex [Antithesis Christi et Antichristi]
Date of Origin 1490-1510
Text Language CS

In the detailed description is mentioned that in the book are shelf-marks and stamps of the Jena University Library. So the codex evidently comes from here.

The Jistebnicky Kancional is deposed also in the National Museum Library (shelf-mark: II C 7). In the record there is mentioned the publication concerning the Kancional. There is a critical edition of th Jistebnicky

Jistebnický kancionál : MS. Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, II C 7 :
kritická edice = Jistebnice kancionál : MS. Prague, National Museum Library II C 7 :

critical edition. 1. svazek, Graduale / editoři Jaroslav Kolár, Anežka Vidmanová, Hana Vlhová-Wörner ; [generální editoři David R. Holeton, Hana Vlhová-Wörner]. -- 1. vyd.. -- Brno : L. Marek, 2005. -- 294 s. : il., noty, faksim. ; 25 cm + brožura (24 s.). --  (Monumenta liturgica Bohemica ; 2) ISBN 80-86263-56-8 (váz.)   ISBN 80-86263-56-4 (chyb.)
Část. souběžný latinský a anglický text
1000 výt.. -- Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík

Another literature on it you can search in the databases of the Institute of the Czech Literature ( Katalogy a databaze.


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Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

06.05.2009 17:00

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