J. L. Dussek

Text dotazu

Hello. I'm currently looking for piano scores (2 pianos reduction or general scores) of piano concertos by J.L. Dussek (specially op. 22 and 59). I'd appreciate very much if you could give some information about it.


There are very few published editions of Dussek's piano concerti in full score or 2 pianos reductions.
The Concerto for two pianos in B-flat op. 63 were published twice: - as Grande symphonie concertante op. 63 in: The Symphony 1720-1840, Series B, Vol. XI, Garland, New York 1983 - arranged for 2 pianos (Concerto pour 2 piano et orchestre, ed. O. Hollmann, Cesky hudebni fond, Praha 1957).

The handwrited full score edition of concerto F-major, op. 27, was published as a part of dissertation of Margaret Elizabeth Doutt: The Concertos of Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812), The University of Kentucky 1989, UMI 9001421.

Two study scores of concertos - F dur op. 14 and g moll op. 50/49 (this is probably that concerto, what you called "op. 59") - were edited by Richard Fuller: http://www.mersichkiess.at/musikverlag.htm

The Dussek's concertos in our collection of printed music are listed in our scanned catalogue of music prints in: http://katif.nkp.cz/main.asp

Generally, for older editions and manuscript sources you should consult Howard Allen Craw: A biography and thematic catalogue of the works of J. L. Dussek, L.A. 1964, and RISM.






Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

14.02.2008 11:20

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