"Father Klein" Hodiny

Text dotazu

I am a clockmaker from Southern California. I am coming to Praha on October 12. My colleague told me about the "Father Klein" clocks at the Klementinum.
I would like to see these clocks. Please tell me if it is possible, and if so, when I may come to see them. I will be able to come any day between October 13 and October 16. I am leaving the United States on October 4, so I hope you can reply quickly. Thank you.


Father Jan Klein´s clocks are situated in the anteroom of the Baroque Library Hall. This place is accessible to public and it is also a part of the guided tour through Klementinum. These tours take place every day, Mo - Fri from 14.00 to 19.00 and Sat - Sun from 11.00 to 19.00. The entrance fee is 100 crowns for adults. There is possible to buy the brochure "Astronomy and Clementinum" from Zdislav Šíma where you can find more detailed information about Klein´s clocks with pictures as well.
For now you can have a look at this picture http://www.nkp.cz/_en/pages/page.php3?page=nkcr_Klein.htm .


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Datum zadání dotazu

14.02.2008 09:53

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