To se mi líbí
I'm studying Master degree (in chemical technology of organic substances) and my thesis would be about (synthesis and research about new azo dyes) I wonder if you could provide me with anythings, any articles regards to Azo dyes, I would appreciated, please, its really urgent, I searched alot in internet but didn't find
The most valuable information for your thesis you can find in online article databases (most of them are paid) and in the library catalogues which can provide useful printed documents. Library catalogues are usually available via internet, for using online article databases you will have to visit the libraries, some of them also offer the remote access to their online resources. First of all we would recommend you to visit the university library at the National Technical University if you did not do so yet. The librarians can advise you what resources you could use, they can help you with searching or recommend you other libraries with better collections for your thesis topic.
Unfortunately we do not know the backround of Ukrainian libraries, which online databases they have available. In the Czech Republic we have several databases which you could use for your thesis (they include many and many articles so it is useless to cite them here):
- OCLC First Search - Union catalogue WorldCat (it contains books, periodicals, internet resources but not articles) is also freely available through internet (http://www.worldcat.org/), article databases ArticleFirst and WilsonSelectPlus
Article databases (multidisciplinary oriented or focused on natural
- EBSCO - databases Academic Search Complete, MasterFILE Premier
- ScienceDirect
- SpringerLink
- Web of Knowledge - Science Citation Index Expanded
- Wiley Interscience
Article or factographic databases for chemistry:
- Chemical Abstracts
- Cross Fire
- EI Compendex
On internet you can use Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com), the search engine providing valuable and scientific literature (articles, reports, preprints etc.).
Chemie. Krystalografie. Mineralogické vědy
Národní knihovna ČR
07.05.2009 08:56