Basketball question

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Hello! I'm looking for information how many points Uljana Semenova (USSR player) scored in the following European Championship match against the Czechoslovak women´s team:
14.09.1985 Soviet Union - Czechoslovakia 111:43
I think that information can be found in Czechoslovensky Sport (next day issue).
I hope you will help me.


We have succeeded in finding the required information in the diary Mladá fronta, vol. 41, 1985, 16.9. There was no surprising information about this match in the Československý sport journal, although. Uljana Semjonova scored 12 points in the match Soviet Union against Czechoslovakia (111 :43, 57 :15)

Here are other information from this game:
Points of Czechoslovakia: Adamcová 10, Kysilková 8, Chlebowczyková 5, Brzialová 4, Zarevúcka 4, Prettlová 4, Kalužáková 3, Hájková 3, Brůhová 1.
Points of Soviet Union: Barelova 23, Savicka 21, Semjonova 12.
Referees: Metzger (Germany), Paszucha (Poland).


Tělesná výchova a sport. Rekreace




Datum zadání dotazu

21.12.2007 14:06

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