Antonín Dvořák

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We will perform a Dvorák project in the next season. The programme will consist of the serenade for strings and the serenade for winds. I am interested in some unusual pictures of Antonín Dvorák for our seasonal brochure. For example, action pictures. Do you have some pictures for me, or can you tell me where to obtain these. I would be very thankful.


We have consulted our Music department and we attach some titles. Good Dvoraks iconography is Antonin Dvorak, by Horejs. Nevertheless, our library is not specialized in this sorte of material and it would be better if you contacted directly the Antonin Dvorak Museum. The Museum is assigned as a source in most of publications about Dvorak and, we think, colleagues there could help you more better than our library.
Muzeum Antonína Dvoráka (Antonin Dvorak Museum)
Praha 2, Ke Karlovu 20
tel.+fax (+420)224923363; (+420)224918013

Horejs, A., Antonin Dvorak, Son oeuvre et sa vie en images, Artia, Prague

Honolka, K., Antonin Dvorak in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten, Rowohlt,
Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1974,

Döge, K., Antonin Dvorak: Leben - Werke - Dokumente, Zürich und Mainz 1951.






Datum zadání dotazu

10.01.2008 14:35

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