Anglicky psané knihy o etice v reklamě a marketingu dostupné v ČR

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Dobrý den, ráda bych se zeptala, zda jsou v ČR vůbec k sehnání nějaké anglicky psané odborné knihy o etice v reklamě nebo marketingu. Děkuji.


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Příklady tištěných publikací ve fondu CIKS VŠE (Souborný katalog VŠE -

Barnes, Michael, ed. The three faces of advertising. London: Advertising Association, 1975. vii, 277 s.

Dunfee, Thomas W., Ross, William T. a Smith, N. Craig. Social contracts and marketing ethics. Fontainebleau: INSEAD, 1998. 59 s. INSEAD working paper series.

Freeman, R. Edward, ed. a Werhane, Patricia Hogue, ed. The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of business ethics. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1997. xxvii, 701 s. The Blackwell encyclopedia of management; vol. 11. ISBN 1-55786-942-1.

Gesteland, Richard R. Cross-cultural business behavior: marketing, negotiating and managing across cultures. 2nd ed. Copenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag, 1999. 282 s. ISBN 87-16-13428-1.

Kotler, Philip a Armstrong, Gary. Principles of marketing. 14th, global ed. Boston: Pearson, ©2012. 637 s. ISBN 978-0-273-75243-1.

Lewis, Barbara R. a Littler, Dale. The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of marketing. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. 274 s. The Blackwell encyclopedia of management; vol. 4. ISBN 1-55786-939-1.

Machan, Tibor R. The morality of business: a profession for human wealthcare. New York: Springer, 2007. ix, 138 s. ISBN 978-0-387-48906-3.


Příklady elektronických publikací ve fondu CIKS VŠE (databáze ebrary Business & Economics viz

Arnold, Chris. Ethical marketing and the new consumer [online]. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2009 [cit. 2013-07-23]. Dostupné z:

Ethics and international marketing: research background and challenges [online]. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Publishing, ©2005. International marketing review; v.22, no. 5 [cit. 2013-07-23]. Dostupné z:

Ethics in marketing: sea change on Potemkin village [online]. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Publishing, ©2005. Qualitative market research: an international journal; v. 8, no. 4 [cit. 2013-07-23]. Dostupné z:

Phillips, Michael J. Ethics and manipulation in advertising: answering a flawed indictment [online]. Westport, Conn.: Quorum, 1997 [cit. 2013-07-23]. Dostupné z:

Societal marketing in 2002 and beyond [online]. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Publishing, ©2002. European journal of marketing; v.36, no. 5/6 [cit. 2013-07-23]. Dostupné z:


Příklady dalších tištěných publikací ve fondech českých knihoven (Souborný katalog ČR -

Galician, Mary-Lou, ed. Handbook of product placement in the mass media: new strategies in marketing theory, practice, trends, and ethics. New York: Routledge, ©2004. 288 s. ISBN 0-7890-2534-5.

Newton, Lisa H., ed. a Ford, Maureen M., ed. Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in business ethics and society. 2nd ed. Guilford: Dushkin Publishing, ©1992. xxii, 368 s. ISBN 1-56134-056-1.

Shiner, Roger A. Freedom of commercial expression. 1st pub. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 320 s. ISBN 0-19-826261-2.

Smith, N. Craig a Quelch, John A. Ethics in marketing. Homewood: Irwin, ©1993. xvi, 838 s. ISBN 0-256-10894-3.


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Centrum informačních a knihovnických služeb Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

Datum zadání dotazu

23.07.2013 08:30

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